Mathematical Symbols: Useful List of Math Symbols in Spanish

Math Symbols in Spanish! Learn useful Mathematical symbols (equal sign ‘=’, not equal sign ‘≠’, approximately equal sign ‘≈’…) with images and examples. In Spanish, there are certain symbols which are used in math and each of these has a name. It is very useful to be able to recall the names of these symbols as this will greatly assist you in your conversation and especially when looking at written Spanish. Perhaps you are a student, in this case, these math symbols will be extremely handy to have in your arsenal. Not only that, but by being able to state the names of these symbols, you will begin to sound more like a native speaker.

Mathematical Symbols

List of Mathematics Symbols in Spanish




+ signo más plus sign
signo menos minus sign
÷ signo de división division sign
× signo de multiplicación multiplication sign
= signo de igualdad equals sign
% signo de porcentaje percent sign
( ) paréntesis parentheses
signo de raíz cuadrada square root sign
< menor que less-than sign
> mayor que greater-than sign
menor o igual que less-than or equal to sign
mayor o igual que greater-than or equal to sign
signo de desigualdad inequality sign
/ barra de fracciones fraction slash

Math Symbols with Examples

  • Suma /soo-mah/ – Addition
  • Resta /rehs-tah / – Subtraction
  • Multiplicación /mool-tee-plee-kah-see-on/- Multiplication
  • División /dee-bee-see-on/ – Division
  • Ecuación /eh-kwa-see-on/ Or Regla de tres / reh-glah deh trehs/  –  Equation

To actually do the math we need know the terminology below:

  • Más /mahs/ –  Plus

For example: Dos más dos (two plus two); Dos más tres son cinco. (Two plus three is five.)  Note that in other contexts, s is usually an adverb.

  • Menos /meh-nohs/ – Minus

For example: cuatro menos uno (four minus one); Cinco menos cuatro son uno. (Five minus four is one.)

  • Por /pohr/ – Multiplied by

For example: tres por cuatro (three multiplied by four); Tres por cuatro son doce. (Three times four is twelve.) In other contexts, por is a common preposition.

  • Para /pah-rah/ – Divided by

For example: ocho para dos (eight divided by two);  Doce dividido entre cuatro son tres. (Twelve divided by four is three.) Doce dividido por cuatro son tres. (Twelve divided by four is three.) Entre is another common preposition.

Some times, people say multiplicado por to express a multiplication and dividido para to express a division.

To express the answer to a math operation, you can either use son /sohn/ ( are) which is plural, in contrast with the singular verb “is” of English. It is also possible to use es or the phrase es igual a /ehs ee-gooahl ah/ (equals ).

For example:

  • Dos más dos son cuatro (two plus two is four)


  • Dos más dos es igual a cuatro (two plus two equals four)

Other typical mathematical equation

1 + 1 = 2
uno más uno es igual a dos
one plus one equals two
4 – 3 = 1
cuatro menos tres es igual a uno
four minus three is equal to one
4 ÷ 2 = 2
cuatro divido entre dos es igual a dos
four divided by two is equal to two
3 × 1 = 3
tres por uno es igual a tres
three times one is equal to three
noventa por ciento
ninety percent
√4 = 2
la raíz cuadrada de cuatro es dos
the square root of four is two
3 < 5
tres es menor que cinco
three is less than five
7 > 5
siete es mayor que cinco
seven is greater than five
6 ≠ 8
seis no es igual a ocho
six is not equal to eight
un tercio
one third

Other Mathematical Terms

Here are some less common mathematical terms:

El Número Number
El Números Numbers
El Número par Even number
El Número impar Odd number
El Número primo Prime number
El Número entero Integer
Adición Addition
Sustracción Subtraction
División Division
Multiplicación Multiplication
Producto Product
Fracción Fraction
El Porcentaje Percentage
El Decimal Decimal
Función Function
Promedio, media Average
Álgebra Algebra
Geometría Geometry
Cálculo Calculus
Las matemáticas Math
La Aritmética Arithmetic 
Dividido Por/Dividido Entre Divided By
Por Multiplied By
La Raíz Cúbica Cube Root
La Ecuación Equation 
 El Cuadrado De The Square Of
El Cubo De The Cube Of 
El Interger Integer 
El Resultado Result
La Calculadora  Calculator
El Total Total 
La Fórmula  Formula
La Proporción  Proportion
La Probabilidad  Probability
La Cantidad  Quantity
El Cociente  Quotient
La Variable  Variable
El cuadrado de  Square of
Elevado a la enésima potencia  Raised to the nth power
Número imaginario  Imaginary number
Promedio Average, mean
Raíz cuadrada  Square root


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