Table of Contents
Gardening Tools / Herramiientas de jardinería
Gardening Tools! Useful garden tools list with pictures. If you are someone who loves to spend time working in the garden then it is going to greatly help you to be able to talk about gardening tools. We know almost all gardening name in English. As you are learning Spanish so you have to know all garden tools name in Spanish. This is also going to be very useful vocabulary if you are someone who has a career in gardening such as a landscaper or florist.
However, learning the names of gardening tools won’t simply help you in being able to effectively communicate on the subject but it will also help you to better understand when listening to Spanish. In this section, you will be able to add the Spanish names of a variety of gardening tools to your vocabulary.
A gardening tool or garden tool is any one of many tools made for gardens and gardening and overlaps with the range of tools made for agriculture and horticulture. Garden tools can also be hand tools and power tools.
List of Garden tools name in Spanish
- Shovel / La pala
- Hoe / La azada
- Axe / El hacha
- Pruning saw / Sierra de poda
- Garden fork / Tenedor jardín
- Rake / El rastrillo
- Clippers / Las tijeras de podar
- Watering can / La regadera
- Garden bucket / La cubo del jardín
- Garden hose / La manguera
- Seed packet / El paquete de semillas
- Pot / La maceta
- Lawn mower / La podadora de grama (MX), El cortacésped (SP)
- Boots / Los botas
- Grass sickle / Hoz de la hierba
- Gloves / Los guantes
- Trowel / La paleta
- Wheelbarrow / La carretilla
- Bin / El recipiente
- Tap / El grifo
- Gardening bag / Bolsa de jardinería
- Fertilizer / El fertilizante
- Grass / El césped
- Fence / La valla
List of some names Gardening Tools in Spanish with picture
Shovel / La pala
Hoe / La azada
Axe / El hacha
Pruning saw / Sierra de poda
Garden fork / Tenedor jardín
Rake / El rastrillo
Clippers / Las tijeras de podar
Watering can / La regadera
Garden hose / La manguera
Seed packet / El paquete de semillas
Pot / La maceta
Lawn mower / La podadora de grama (MX), El cortacésped (SP)
Boots / Los botas
Grass sickle / Hoz de la hierba
Gloves / Los guantes
Trowel / La paleta
Wheelbarrow / La carretilla
Bin / El recipiente
Tap / El grifo
Gardening bag / Bolsa de jardinería
Fertilizer / El fertilizante
Grass / El césped
Fence / La valla
Gardener / El jardinero
Gardening Tools Names/ Herramiientas de jardinería | Images
Common Spanish Verbs for Gardening
Here is a list of common verbs that you can use to talk about the actions that you do in the Garden
- To grow – Crecer
- To landscape – Ajardinar
- To plant – Plantar
- To prune – Podar
- To sow – Sembrar
- To water – Regar
- To mow – Cortar el césped