Fruits in Spanish! List of different types of fruits with images. Learn these fruit names to increase your vocabulary words about fruits and vegetables. This list of fruits illustrated with interesting pictures also help you learn and remember the new words better.
Whether you are in the supermarket trying to find your favourite fruit or whether you want to talk about what fruits you like or dislike, you will need to know the names of fruits in the Spanish language if you are living in a Spanish speaking country. There are many different fruit names to learn but this doesn’t mean that it is an impossible task, by learning a few at a time you will soon be able to name any fruit in Spanish!
Table of Contents
How to say names of fruits in Spanish language
List of Fruits names in Spanish
Here is our list of fruits in Spanish, you are first going to find the name of the fruit in English, and next to it, you will find its name translated to Spanish.
- Fruit – Fruta
- Fruits – Frutas
- Fruit shop – la frutería
- Apple — la manzana
- Apricot — el damasco, el albaricoque
- Avocado — el aguacate
- Banana — el plátano, la banana
- Blackberry — la mora, la zarzamora
- Blackcurrant — la grosella negra
- Blueberry — el arándano
- camu camu — el camu camu
- Cantaloupe — el melón
- Cherimoya — la chirimoya
- Cherry — la cereza
- Citron — el cidro, el citrón, la toronja
- Coconut — el coco
- Cucumber — el pepino
- Cranberry — el arándano agrio
- Date — el dátil
- Fig — el higo
- Galia — el melón galia
- Gooseberry — la grosella espinosa
- Grape — la uva (A dried grape or raisin is una pasa or una uva pasa.)
- Grapefruit — el pomelo, la toronja
- Guarana — la fruta de guaraná
- Honeydew melon — el melón tuna
- Huckleberry — el arándano
- Kiwi — el kiwi
- Kumquat — el quinoto
- Lemon — el limón
- Lime — la lima, el limón
- Loganberry — la zarza, la frambuesa
- Lychee — la lichi
- Mandarin — la mandarina
- Mango — el mango
- Melon — el melón
- Mulberry — la mora
- Naranjilla — la naranjilla, el lulo
- Nectarine — la nectarina
- Olive — la oliva, la aceituna
- Orange — la naranja
- Papaya — la papaya
- Passionfruit — la maracuyá, la parcha, la fruta de pasión
- Peach — el durazno, el melocotón
- Pear — la pera
- Persimmon — el caqui
- Pineapple — la piña, el ananá
- Plantain — el plátano
- Plum — la ciruela
- Pomegranate — la granada
- Prickly pear — la tuna, el higo chumbo
- Quince — el membrillo
- Raspberry — la frambuesa
- Strawberry — la fresa, la frutilla
- Tamarind — el tamarindo
- Tangerine — la mandarina, la tangerina
- Tomatillo — el tomatillo
- Tomato — el tomate
- Watermelon — la sandía
Making sentences with Fruit words
Of course, the next step is making sentences with these words
Hay fruta. There is fruit
¿Qué hay para postre? What is there for dessert?
Hay fruta para postre. There is fruit for dessert.
Big fruit such as watermelon or pineapple that is normally cut up and served in portions is referred to in the singular:
I like watermelon = Me gusta la sandía
I like pineapple = Me gusta la piña
Smaller fruit like apples or strawberries is referred to in the plural:
I like apples = Me gustan las manzanas
I like strawberries = Me gustan las fresas
I like lemons = Me gustan los limones
el, la = the (singular)
los, las = the (plural)
Los mangos.
Los melones.
Los limones.
Los melocotones.
Las cerezas.
Los higos.
Los plátanos.
Los albaricoques.
Las nectarinas.
Las mandarinas.
Las uvas blancas.
Las manzanas rojas.
Las peras.
Las ciruelas.
Las fresas.
List of Fruits in Spanish | Fruit Names Picture